Stephen's Addn. Block 4 Card 1
STEPHEN'S ADDN. BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif. i,--.... ~"--''"'.'~s:-,--.-~--~-----, t--~Arim Blook4 CJtJ../- S Prao Blk 4- Penit. t!'r81l L. Tnt..._ell, et al to ereet &: oper eerrlce station ia. a-t, Pae Hwy &: Glendora St. Res No 697415 8-8-39--------------------------------------All Blk 4- Penlit to Thomas L Shepherd & Schiefer Bros. to intain an exist~ 4'xl2 1 illainated motel sign, Pac Hwy & Glendora ResNo 4387 1-25-ISO---------------------------------------------, Frac Blk 4 & St clad adj- Pe:mit to Thomas L. Shepherd, OWler & Glen Garner & Bay Lyttle, lessee,-to oper rental service of max 12 u-.ility trailer with service station, 6275 Pac Hwy, Cond 1l Res No 8017 2-3-54________,,______________ ----------------------- Blk 4 & st clsd adj- Cond'l permit to Thomas& Ruth Shepherd, O1111er &Ralph's Trailer Sales, lessee, to oper trailer sales agency, using trailer for office, E side Pac B-wy, SE cor Glendora St, R-4 Caae No 1126 4-22-57 Alllenda Rea Case No 1126 ABOVE to conat & oper restaurant, Cond'l Case No 1126 7-1-57 7-11-67 1-9-58 Second Amendment to Case No 1126 6 mos extension to ABOVE, to expire 7-11-158, Cond '1 Caae No 1126-----------------------------------all Blk 4 & ~ta 31 tiara 40, Blk 5, & Revere St. clad. adj. Pemit t.o Tho-a L. & ituth Shepherd & J. P. Coe to conat restaurant at NE corner.i'ae. Hvy & Glendora St, R-4 zone cond'l. Case 3143 2-26-60---------------------------------------,:~..rB;ND Ca:::;e?,4.?h?::?-J+?h /: to relo~!?.. t:J 5'xll.i.' si~n. on 14.k':_-1i pJle(tots,l neigl-1t 19~~r) ~: C'.Jnst ne',; 7 1 Y,3 1 d:mb7.e-faced r1eon lited sign wit:1 add. 1 1.'lg x 5' w'de "aYiel on 12' nole total:1t le" for restaurent; 0 1 Sn for lxith signs Aurp.rst 1$, 1?60 cond'l