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Development Services

Stephen's Addn. Block 6

STEPHEN'S ADDN. BLOCK 6.tif Sf1PB:D1i.ADDI!IO:I-.:Block 6. CIW~S -.;lj>.;._ Lota 26 thra. 32 _ Pendt 0 to L~G. & D.O. McDonaid to maintain an exi~t~g sign. with on roof' of a: t.hse. Del R St. Res. No. 808 Lota 2 thru. 32- Res.of' Prop.Use- permit to L~G. & D.C. McDonald to use this propert," 1 for operation of' 14-uni t motel with off-st.pkg.- 3431 Del Rey St. Bes.16090 3-314