Sterlingworth Block B Card 1
STERLINGWORTH BLOCK B CARD 1.tif SffRLINGWORTH BLOCK B CARD#l S___,,,, Block B,Lot l,.Buila a onttage,within 151 on Felton & 8 1 on Meade, Permit to W.R. Branch Jr: ~es.50076 6/13/29 Lot 15:- Edward Felt AGREE #33 10-17-38 Lot 11, DENIED permit to A.H. & Bertha G~ DeGraw to convert repair shop at 3350 ~l Cajon ~lvd. into laundr7. Res.No. 439 ~ ~ 7 cc r~)~2 11112143 Lot 10- Permit te lred H. and Lola I. No'f'BCk to conatr.atr & pr.bldg.,4319 Yelton St. with a 0 1 setback Bea. lo. 213 3/27/47 Lot 10- Cond 11 permit to lred H.& Lola I. Novack to construct & maintain a bldg.for atge only of supplies, tl'llcks & equipment for laundry on adjacent lot,4319 Felton st., with no sideyd on south side of lot,575 sq.ft.over 50% coverage & 10 1 rear yard. Res. No. 2182 4/11/47 Lot 10; Extension of six months on Resolution No. 2136 (see above). Freg H ~ nd JeoJ a I Noyaftk Res. No. 2~82 10~22/17 Lot Io- Extension orstx months on eso!ution Mo. 2Is (see a ove Fred H. and Lola I. Novack. Res. No. 2583 10/22/47 Lot 17- Permit to Abe Bllbin to erec\ 4uplu 1D roar of exie\ a1Dg tam rea, 2 unita with 63 acce 433~- 34\h. Rea. lo. 5792 S-22-5]. ~~~~Trr-------------------------------------- Lot 15- C~rull pe:rlllit to Dick Grihalva Buick to use for employee & cust parking & auto storage in connec with new & used car operation, exist house to be removed; prop located 107' N on 34th St of nw cor of El Cajon Blvd & 34th., Zone.-8-4. case 2230-...-~o-:,g-