Storybook Park # 2 Card 1
STORYBOOK PARK # 2 CARD 1.tif STORY BOOK PARK #2 Lot 158- Permit to Herbert & Florence Black to maintain exist nursery school on premises and to serve a max 15 childred at 1035 Dearborn Dr betw Flax and Caulfield Dreves, Zone R-1-6 subject to following conditions: (1) CUP shall be for period of two years, to expire 3-1-73:(2) Rear yd play area shall be enclosed with a 6 1 hi, solid wall or fence, constr to be completed within a period of 30 days; (3) that all requriements o~d ~;ir_E;,J> ~~~-shall_be_ complied_wf Jf-1'-'7~- no-e,)g:~~2~8._,c~~./:2~,_ 2-5-711________ Lot 169- Permit to Stanley C. & Betty R. Robnett for perm to use exist sin fam dwell for teach ceramics 3 days/wk from 6 to 10 pm (T-W-Th) for approx 10 students per class where sing fam resid use is perm at 2782 Caulfield Dr. R-1-6 Zone C-10837 11/3/71 Lot 163- Condl Approval to Bryce & Patricia Winn to erect 23' of 5' hi wood fence obs O' setback on 27th St where max 3' hi fence perm in req 15' st side yd w/in rear 20' where rear yd immed adj int side yd of adj prem- Map #5645, 2710 Cau]field Dr betw 27th St & Dearborn Dr, Zone R-1-6. (N.H.) Case No. 12374 12-24-73 Lot 106- Permit to Sakae Gaffney to const 14' x 23' famrm addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 14. 5' rearyd where 20' req, 1084 Dearborn Dr, Zone R-1-6, cond' I ~ J--IF"-7(, C-13383 12-11-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 113- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOSEPH FOX to sell firearms, ammunition and associated equipment from the premises on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M., maximum of 12 customers per week, where such activity i~ot permitted unless in accordance with Ordinance #11880 N.S. relating to the Home Occupation, at 1028 Dearborn Drive, Zone R-1-6. Conditions. ~~ ~-iq\~j_ -21462 10-23-81