Sub Of P.L. 1122 Block 437
SUB OF P.L. 1122 BLOCK 437.tif I SUB. OF P.L. 1122 BLOCK 432! I, I Lots II & 12- Permit for Land Conservation Permit to Principato for a single family house, 3505 Kl te St. 218-LC 7-29-75 Lots 14, 15, Map 381- Permit to Diana Womack & Michael Herman to constr a 6 1611 x 24 1 311 attached sunshade structure & a 19 1 x 9'9" carport addn to existing SFD; carport & sunshade to obs a 9' FY where 15' is reqd, zone R-1-5 HR. C-17303 7/17/81 1----------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------~--------,