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Development Services

Summer House Tract, Map 6574

SUMMER HOUSE TRACT, MAP 6574.tif SUMMER HOUSE TRACT, Map 6574 Lot l- Permit to Summer House Properties- H & M Investments & H & R Investments, as amended, to (1) constr 97 unit motel & restaurant with swim pool obs 12' SB where 15' is estab; {2) erect 3' to 7' obs 3' SB wnere 15' is estab & max 3' fence is perm; and (3) provide 18 park spaces obs 12' sb where 15' is estab on Ardath Rd. betw La Jolla Shores Dr. & Torrey Pines Rd., Zone RV, condl C-9791 NH 3-18-70 Lot l- Permit to Summer House Properties to constr approx 120 1 of concrete block wall rang in ht from 4 1 to 7' obs l' from prop line on Ardath Rd where max 3 1 hi fence or wall is perm in 15' estab setback on Ardath Rd at 2290 Ardath Rd betw Torrey Pines Rd & La Jolla Shores Dr Zone R-V. Condi. C-10998 N.H. 12-23-71-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------