Sun Country Lot 2
SUN COUNTRY LOT 2.tif SUN COUNTRY Lot 2- Permit to William Lyons Dev. Co. to constr approx 1,010 unit apt complex, 5 carports to obs 7' front yd on Rancno Mission Rd. where 15' is req on the SE cor of Rancho Mission & San Diego Mission Rods in the R-3 zone, condl q Ou'JM:141 (}-JJ- 7/)-----------------------------------------C-9940_____ 7-9-70___________ Par. I- Permit to Comdevco, Inc. to elim req 6 1 hi solid wall on E side that abuts res zoned prop at 6099 Rancho Mission Rd S side of San Diego Mission Rd Zone CA. C-11807 N.H. ~28 22-73 wt 2- Permit to Pacific Plan of California to erect 1603 111. of' 8 ft, high chain link fence obs O' front yard and 0 1 interior side yard where max 6 ft, high fence is perm; 10707 San Diego Mission Road betwn Rancho Mission Rd, and Fairmount Ave., Zone R-3-Cond'l C-12,356 N.H. ll-{U-73-----------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------' Lot 2- Permit tow. R. Grace Properties, Inc. to (1) constr 60 units on Parcel 1 with access to parking across Parcel 4 (2) constr 56 units on Parcel 3 with access to parking across Parcel 2, where required parking shall have access to a public street or alley- on San Diego Mission Road and Rancho Mission Road. Zone R-3. Cond'l. c-13087 5-22-75 Par 3- Permit to Mission Playmor Condo Owners Assoc at 10600 Bl of Caminita Cascara at Ranco Mission Rd., Zone R-3 to erect 2 single-faced 25 sq ft monument ID signs.Condit. (l;.. -,.....-.,,..rr11 c,-15978 5/30/79