Sunset Cliffs Block 11 Card 3
SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 11 CARD 3.tif 'l[N 3ET CLIFFS BLOCK 11 Card No. 3 Lots 1:7 18, and 19- Edith Wahlberg to maintain a boarding and lodging honse in the sing faro dwelling .l'l.GRE'JiEllT #351 \pr. 16, 1945 Lot 7- Permit to JOHN M. FENLEY at 1284 Devonshire Drive, was considered by ZA to use detached bedroom as a guest house. CUP 17107 TABLED Lots 17 & 18-AZA DENIED as requested #'s 1 & 5, APPROVED #'s 2- 10 request of JOSEPH A. & EULALIA T. RYAN, CO-TRUSTEES to maintain (1) open fence, ranging in height from 11-1011 to 2'-1", added above an existing, nonconforming, solid fence, resulting in a max. height of 7'- 211 within the 15 1-011 required front yard where a max. 6'-0" high fence is permitted, provided that the bottom 3 1-0 11 is solid and the top 3'-0" is 50% open in compliance w/ design criteria; (2) a max. 6 1-611 high, open driveway gate within the 15'-0" required front yard where a max. 6 1-011 high gate is permitted, provided that the bottom 31-011 is solid and the top 3 1-011 is 50% open in compliance w/ design criteria; (3) a max. 6'-2" high, open entryway gate within the 15 1-0" required front yard where a max. 6'-0" high gate is permitted, provided that the bottom 3'-0" is solid and the top 3 1-011 is 50% open in compliance w/ design criteria; (4) two statueii light standards measuring 4 1-4" and 4'-10" in height, added above the 5 1-011 and 5 1-1 11 high, vertical elements of the nonconforming solid fence within the 15 1-011 required front yard, re- sulting in a total height of 9 1-5 11 and 9 1-10" where 6'-011 is the max, height permitted; (5) a 3'-10" high, open, wrought iron fixture added above a 5 1-6 11 high, vertical element of the non- conforming solid fence within the 15 1-0" required front yard, resulting in a_total height of 9'-4" where 6'-0" is the max, height permitted; (6) max, 2'-1" high, open fence added abm;.e an existing, nonconforming, solid fence resulting in a maximum height of 7'-5" within the 10'-0" required street side yard where max. 61-0" high fence is permitted, provided that the bottom (cotinued Card #4)