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Development Services

Sunset Cliffs Block 11 Card 4

SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 11 CARD 4.tif SUNSET CLIFFS (Cont, from Card #3) BLOCK 11 Card No. 4 3 1-0" is solid and the top 3'-0" is 50% open in compliance w/ design criteria; (7) max, 2'-0" high, solid fence added above said existing, non conforming, solid fence, resulting in a max, height of 7'-5" within the 10'-0" required street side yard where a max. 6 1-0 11 high fence is permitted, provided the bottom 3 1-0" is solid and the top 3 1-011 is 50% open in compliance w/ design criteria; (8) a max. 6 1-7 11 high, open fence within the 10 1-011 required street side yari where a max. 6'-0" high fence is permitted, provided that the bottom 3'-0" is solid and the top 3 1-011 is 50% open in compliance w/ design criteria; (9) portion of fence and gate of request Ill and 2 within the driveway visibility areas where 3 1-0" is the max, height permitt- ed; and (10) portion of fence of requests #'s 1, 5 & 6 are within the corner visibility area where 31-011 is the max. height permitted at 1203 Sunset Cliffs Boulevard, Rl-5000 Zone, Coast al Zone, Coastal Height Limit, Zone, Conditions. C-21067A 8-13-93 Lots 17 & 18- BZA modifies AZA decision (above) request of JOSEPH A. & EULALIA T. RYAN, APPROVE requests #'s 1- 4 and 6- 10 and DENY request #5 (see request #'s above) located at 1203 Sunset Cliffs Boulevard, R-1-5000 Zone, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone, Conditions. C-21067A 11-17-93