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Sunset Cliffs Block 20

SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 20.tif SUBSET CLIFFS l8H't--S BLOCK 20 Lot 3 exc Nly 8 1- Permit to David T. & Ollie Harvey to erect sin fam res at NE cor Devonsnire?Dr and Froude. Res #4555 3-29-50 Lot l exc NWly 8 1- Permit to Don H. & Olive Scott, Owners & Ray L. & Mildred L. Vandagriff, Jr., purcn to erect sin f am res at Wly cor Alhambra & Froude. Res #4595 4-19-50 Lot l exc NWly 8 1- Permit to Wm. R, & Hazel Leaf to erect res 10' SB from Froude, Wly cor Alnambra & Froude. Res #4900 8-9-50 ~-