Sunset Cliffs Block 24 Card 1
SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 24 CARD 1.tif SU NS Ei CLI F'F'S BLOCK ~4 CARD tfl Lot 2- Permit APPROVED by tA to Charles B. & Medadell C. Williams for construction of two-story garage and guest house addition to existing two-car garage on lot with existing single-family dwelling, at 1094 Devonshire Drive, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. c-16886 8-26-80 Lot 21- AGREEMENT with ARIC GRAVES to constr. a 2nd flr bedroom & bath addn with outside access to an existing SFD at 1091 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., Zoned Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3252 3/14/85 Lot 21- ZA APPROVED CUP request of ERIC A. AND NANCY 1, GRAVES to convert a two-car garage to guest quarters where such use is permitted by CUP only, located at 1091 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., Rl-5000 zone, Coastal, Coastal Height Limitation Zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. Conditions. C-20802 7/19/91 Lots 12 and 13- ZA APPROVED CUP request of GLORIA CROWNINGSHIELD to construct guest quarters on a property with an existing single-family dwelling, where such use is permitted by CUP only, located at 1054 Devonshire Drive, Rl-5000 zone, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone. Conditions. C-20758 4/26/91