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Sunset Cliffs Block 5 Card 1

SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif SUISET CLIRS-:B+oc~ 5 ~........ --~-- :-,.,,...... ~,~ CARD # 1 I Lots 12 and 13- L. L. and Jocelyn Whittemore DINIED pemit to convert.existing 12-room single family dwelling into duplex, 4494 Tivoli Street. Res. No. 2367 7/16/47 Lots lZ, 13, John D. & Mary Donaldson DENIED 6-ft. high fence on exist 5-ft. high wall at rear of prop. line & por. to extend to ecist dwelling; but PERMIT 4-ft. Jhgh fence on (top of retaining wall, 4494 Tivoli St, Zone R-1. Case #2249 1-16-59 (AMENDED: to permit fence on top of retaining wall, to be construe. as to be 4-ft. above retaining wall at NE corner of exist play yd & continue level on top of wall to enclose play yd. per plans on file. 2-9-59 Lot 7- z. A. considered app of Henry S. & Irene Gault to add to bedrm & bath; addn to obs 4, sideyd one ly side; addn to exist gar to make 2-car gar; addn to gar to obs 0' sideyd on w 1 ly side where 5 1 sideyd is req. and DENIED the requested O sideyd for the gar on the west side, but APPROVED the requested 4 1 sideyd on t.1e east, at 4451 Adair St, Zone H-1, Cond 'l Case No. 5193 9-24-62-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Permit to Henry s. & Irene Gault to const addn to a ing f'am dwell & gar; addn to obs 4' aideyd where 5, is req, at 4451 Adair st., R-1 Zone, Condl. C8 se No. 5718 5-15-63---------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 22 AGREEMENT #91Z to Richard Kurt Walter to const a photographic dark rm, including sink to helocated in rumpus roon1 and to be used as hobby only. March 18, 1957