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Sunset Cliffs Block 5 Card 2

SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 5 CARD 2.tif c:;L'N qET CLIFFS '--Y BLOCK 5 1-g3q s-"1f" Card # 2,, Lot 22 AGREEMENT #!912 to Richalld Kurt Walter to const a phot dark rm incl'.iding sink to be located i4 rumpus rm and to be used as hobby only March 15, J957 Lot 5- Perait to John W. Wilda Joy Walter to corustr in faa residence with bar aiu in taa rocm on lover level at "35 Adair St. ZOlle R-l-5. AGRO #17" 3-16-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11- Permlt to Cathra Anna.Barker at 1329 Guizot, Zone R-1-5, to add guest house over existing garage on the same lot with a SFD. Condit. C-16141 8/6/79-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot JI- AGREEMENT to Cathra Anne BARKER to construct guest room over existing garage, at 1329 Guizot Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2494 9-11-79 Lot 9- AGREEMENT to STANLEY AND HELEN LENYK to construct second floor recreation room and bath addition with outside entrance to an existing single-family dwelling, located at 4475 Adair Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3020 12-8-83 Lot 10- AGGREEMENT with BRIAND. & EVELY M, THOMAS to constr a 2-story, SFD with bar sink in bedroom on the snd floor at 4591 Tivoli St., Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3153 9/6/84