Sunset Cliffs Block 6
SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 6.tif SUNSET CLIFFS Lot 20-_Permit to_J H & Helen La Galle to. erect glass panel wall 42" high on top of exist free-stand wall 46" high & retain wall 36" high, total overall ht 8' 10" above av adj gr level, 4504 Tivoli St. Res. No. 7933 12-9-53 I-------------------- ~------~---~~-:::____------------- t.e\ a, Perait to Clyde M & Dorie E. Hooper to a,netruct play.rm add to e:1:iet re; add to connoc1 rt to e:a:iet gar; gar ob 4 1 sideyd; add to obs 5 1 aideyd, 4573 Adair St, &-1, on ctitio add match houae & car in ext tinillh ~ color; new root aatch exist rda. N.H. Caae 3530 8-12.-60---....------------------------------------------ Lot 8- Permit to Clyde M. & Doris Hooper to enclose open porch & install bath & add utility porch to rear of exist dwell obs 41 side yard; a ddn to obs all yd req wnere 5 sideyd is req (See C-3530) at 4573 Adair St. betw Froude & Guizot Sta, Zone R-1, Condl. Case No. 5342 11-29-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot. 19- Herbert B. & Helen F. Eggleston to conYert exist gar to rwapus roa with no kitchen tacillths, 4-Sl,6 Tivoli St., Zone R-1. Agreeaent Ho. ll9.3--------------------- Lot 9- Agreement with Robert and Bea Reppe to add a garage and workshop to the rear of an existing single-family home, A full bath and spa are also to be added to the home, located at 4581 Adair Street, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement g4181 1_13_89