Sunset Grove Block 2
SUNSET GROVE BLOCK 2.tif '-Y ~~r:wwugs. ~~pc~::~NUX ~ Lot 9, Block 2- Permit granted to Globe Discount Co., ownert and R. W. McCleary, purcha~r~ to split said lot into 2 bldg. sites, each 53 1xl07 1, with 53 2 1 frontage on Muir St., an\"\ construct single fam. res. on each, NW corner of Muir andVenice Streets. Setback to Ja4.V observed of the aver e of the housses in Block on Muir St.- Res. No. 2410 7 0 4 67'0 Lot S- Penit to Clifford. O. an~ D"'lt? l'.:3orPn to i!ivii'e, 1 53 1 xl07' v:1 th 532 1.fro!lt~6e eBch on Long Eranch Aw:. said let into 2 blde. 3ites, each p.," 21,r;:, "''"'...,/47......_ s . h'J.--tO_; UJ (_ j t:i e observea.,m Lo-::e Tir.,_0.hh. Southeasterly 25 1 of Lot 6 and Northwesterly 25 1 of Lot 7, Block 2,-:Cund; permit to Florence B. Abbey to const. a sing. fam. res., on Easterly side of Long Branch Ave., approx. 165 1 northerlY of Venice St. Res. 4748 6-14-50, Lot, l.O-.AGREEMEl'l' #1202 to J. W. B . J. Isom- convert gar to rumpus ra, constr:f'am. rm, batb & util.ity rm. add above gar, 4415 Mllir st., 11/7/62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-G