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Development Services

Sunshine Gardens Card 1

SUNSHINE GARDENS CARD 1.tif,,._._,.;v,:..,-~"'::-,,,....:,. /r:~~tmrif GABDENS ~ cS'i ~l Lot 445- DENIED permit to Myrtle Phillips to convert an exist.garage at 4760 Nogal Street lhnto living quarters with a 1 14" sideyard. Res. No. 833 2/1/45 Lots 274 to 335", incl., Lots 338 to 356, incl., and Lots 365 to 397, incl., tentative approval to Claude Chandler, owner, and Harry Epsten, purchaser, to const. and operate 305-unit trailer park, between 47th & 49th S treats, and on Naranja, Pera, Fresa and Almendra Streets, CONDITIONAL. I Res. No. 3425 and 3426 9/8/48 Lots 274-335, 338-356, 365-397- Condl. approval to Harry Epsten, pur. &. Claude Chandler, owner, to const. & operate 225-unit trailer camp, bet. 47tt & i.9th St's. &. on Fresa, Naranja, Pera and Almendra Sts. Res. No. 3808 & 3809 4-6-49 Lots.-i~~, 338-356, Parle, Inc. to move single f ily dwelling fro".1 set to 303- 47th St. HM Res.-- 9 Lots 274-335, 338-356, 365-397- Permit to Claude Chandler, owner & Ba.1'17 lpsten, purch. to build &: operate 112-unU addn to n Re7 Trailer Plaza, 303 Ii-7th St. (Oona. 11) (Only 100 unite erected) Ree. No. 5734 9-19-51 Cond'l-approval to~ABOVl-for-ise";; of-Prop Use = ~-- Res.-.;.-5735---- 9-19:-51----------------------------------------------ConiJ.11 appro'\18.l. to ABOVB for additional 10 unita, making total of 110 units,---------------------------.!!.!_J1_2._5~!!,----.9.-!9::.5!-- Cond 'l appro'\18.l. to ABOVE for lles. of Prop Use- Res. No. 5895 9-19-51--------------------------------------------Por Lots 314-318- Permit to Claude & Clara Cbs.ndller, owner & Harry Epsten, lessee, to. oper house trailer sales lot, 303 47th St. Res. N'?. 5897 10-3-51