Sunshine Gardens Card 5
SUNSHINE GARDENS CARD 5.tif SUNSHINE GARDENS Card#~. If' Lots 440-442- Permit to Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. on the AMENDED application to construct 5250 sq. ft. second-story addn to exist communications equipment bldg which now obs O' front yd and O' rear yd: (1) addn also to obs O' front yd wnere 10' is req and O' rear yard where 10' is req adj to res prop (2) to eliminate required landscaping adj to street wnere an area equal to ten times the length of the property line is req (no land- scaping provided for exist bldg) (3) to provide 7 parking spaces on same lot and 22 spaces on Lot 439 located immediately adj to the west in the R-4 zone, where 52 parking spaces for addn are req (4) addn to be 35 1 611 in ht where 30;is perm and (5) l' extension arms of barbed wire extending inward on top of the fence, at 4890 Market St betw 47th St and Euclid Ave, Zone CN. Cond'l. C-11549 10-24-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 425- Permit to Tennyson and Helen Lee to maintain approx 12 1 of 71 11 open fence obs. al' side yard where max 6 1 high fence is perm in req. 4 1 side yard, at 449 Aurora St. between 47th and Plantano Streets, Zone R-4- Cond'l. C-12,172 9-11-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 438 through 442- Permit GRANTED to THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, owner/permitte, filed an application for a CUP to construct and operate a 6,373- square foot addition to an existing communication switching office, located on the north side of Market Street between 47th Street and Euclid Avenue, Zone R-2A and R-3. CUP 578-PC 11-8-79