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Development Services

Surf & Turf Unit#1 Card 1

SURF & TURF UNIT#1 CARD 1.tif SUrl.F & Tlfrl.F #1 ~o-J.,........ CAR.o'711 lb For Lot 1- Permit to Magnolia Co. to substitute a 4 1 hig,, chain link fence along the o 1 ly & E 1 ly prop lines adj to residentially ~oned proF wr,ere a 5' higll soliu wall is required at 220) Via de la Valle, Zone C-.lA. /;J.-_________________________________________ case No._7785_(N.H.)___________.7-7-66____ Lot 2- Permit DENIED to Magnolia Co., owner & Harold Butler Enterprises, DBA Denny's Restaurants, Inc. 11, lessee to erect one double-faced, interior lighted, free-standing, approx, 300 sq. ft., 74' high ID sign on side in R-5 Zone, for Denny's Restaurant and Texaco Service Station located on Lot l af the same subdivision immediately adj in the C-lA Zone where one free-standing, 40 1 high, double faced sign, not to exceed 100 sq. ft. per face, designating principal use of the premises is perm, at Tu.ff Road betw Via de La Valle and Turf' Rd., ~one R-5. Case No. 7930 12-6-66---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE Case No. 7930 APPEAL;:i;D to Board of Zoning Appeals and the appeal was DENI~D and the decision of the Z.A. was sustained and affirmed. Case No. 7930 2-21-67---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to W & W Enterprises to cons tr and operate a 166 space travel trailer park on the SW corner of Interstate 5 and Via de la Valle. Zone CR. ".-J- 1- ~ 1. 396-PC 4-15-7!t ~i~-~_;:-~G~o~i!::fiii~~~~~{~iERiH1P~-RoBERT-E~-sovER____________:.______ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REFERRED TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT (BURCH ERTLE). ADDRESS: 2205 VIA DE LA VALLE. CUP 16862