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Development Services

Sycamore Card 1

SYCAMORE CARD 1.tif-SYCAMORE ~i; li18, All9, Al20, Al21- Z,A. nas considered tile request of Billy I, & Mildred L,. Marsllall to erect an illuminated, double-faced, free-standing sign approx 253 sq. ft. in area and 50' in lleignt identifying the principal use of tile premises where a sign not exceeding 34.5 sq. ft. is perm. Sign to comply witll all yard req; at East Frontage Road (adj to Int. 5) betw Willow and Sycamore Roads, zone CR and nas DENIED tbe request as submitted but APPROVED a 40' bign, 100 sq. ft. sign to obs all setbacks. C-lo899 12-3-71------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Z.A. has considered tile request of William Marshall, owner and Motel Six, lessee, to constr one free-standing, double-faced, interior illum, ID sign, area of face- 81 sq.ft overall ht- 40' where max square footage sign for each street frontage perm is not to exceed 3/10 sq. ft. per lineal street frontage (49.314 sq. ft.:,ermitted), 160 Frontage Rd betw Sycamore and Willow Roads. Zone CR, and has DENIED the appl as requested, but APPROVED sign with max height of 32' (12' above difference in grade). Cond'l. C-11292 6-28-72 Lots I & 2- Permit to Billy I & Mildred L Marshll to prov access to parking from easement on lot immed adj to the east where parking must have convenient access to public st or alley, E. Frontage R (adj to 1-5), betw Willow Rd & Sycamore Rd., Zone CR. c-11100 3-27-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------