Talmadge Park # 2 Card 3
TALMADGE PARK # 2 CARD 3.tif TALMADGE PARK UNIT NO. 2 ( V Lots 378 & 379- Permit to Edw M & Muriel Sims to erect 6' grape stake f~nce with 3' SB at 4884 E. Alder Dr., Cond'l Res#8340 7-7-54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots 296 & 297- Permit to Rocco Terrizzi to const rea & Ga.r on par split a.f'ter zonillE (prior to 12-5-64) on E Alder Dr., not to extend out beyond av SB of adj houses. C-14o4 9-6-57------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ y Lot 410- Permit to Mrs. Kathryn S. Campbell to replace exist 48" masonry fence with 48" masonry fence in SB maximum height 36" perm in SB at 4885 Hart Dr, R-1 Zone- Cond'l C-6297 2-10-64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 318 & Southerly 30' of Lot 317- Permit to Dewey C. Brown- to maintain single fam res only Frontage 80 ft. on West Alder Dr. S-712 4-4-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot No. 315,316 & Nly 20' of 317- Permit to Dorothy W. Springer to maintain sin fam res frontage 120 ft. on West Alder Dr. S-711 4-5-62 Lot 371- AGREEMENT #980 to John & Margaret 1'fu.lkey toinstall darkroom sink in gar. 4-10-58------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------