Talmadge Park # 3 Card 3
TALMADGE PARK # 3 CARD 3.tif TALMADBE PAHK NO. 3 l10O-S,c; CARD #3 Lot 670 & W 25 1 of Lot 67i, permit to Ralph L, & Clare L. Haver to build as permitted i~ R-1 Zone, with 75 ft. frontage on Af!ams Ave. S-458 10-16-57--------------------------- Ely 71 of Lot 672, all Lot 673, permit to Clifford D. & Mildred Maddox to build as permit, in R-1 Zone with 57 ft. frontage on Adams Ave. S-459 10-11-57------------------------------ Ely 251 of Lot 671, all Lot 672, exc Ely 71, permit to Joseph R, & Martha Shuter to build as permitted in R-1 Zone, with 68 ft. frontage on Adams Ave. S-460 10-11-57---------------;o~ 63;; ~;5- f~.- o"r i:t- 631~ Pe~it-t~-;;,.-w~ C Al;a-Vyvya;; to- m-;,_i-nt-ai-; existing- residence and add patio, with R0,50 ft. on Norma Drive (4726 i'orr:cs. Dr.) S-641 9-11-59 N 21 ft. Lot 631, all Lots 632 & h33, Permit to Wayne ~.J0 hnson to maintain eYist. res with 129,041 fr. on Norma Drive, R-1 zone. S-642. 9-17-59-E;3,- Lo; 523 & 524,-p~~it ~-B: i. & Winif~d Fi.;p-t; di~~-off E-23 ft.-;f i.;t-52-3-&- add to Lot 524, at 4553 Monroe Ave, Rr-1 zone, cODd' I. Case 3240 4-1-60---------------------Lots 741-& 742---C~nd'l- p-e;mlt- to~G-;,,;rg; B. & Esther 0 Long to const bathrm addition to existing sing fam res w~ich obs 16 1 rear yd; addition also to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20 1 is required; and to const adetached lanai on parcel BE at 4748 Constance Dr., Zone R-1. Case No. 5455 1-24-63