Talmadge Park # 3 Card 4
TALMADGE PARK # 3 CARD 4.tif TAU!A.DGE PARK NO. 3 CARD tl4 Lot 761- Pennit to Mr, & Mrs. C.H. Batchelder to convert a bedroom to bath & add a family room to exist single fam residence which obs 3.33' side yard, addn tJ;ibs all yard requirements at 4669 Norma Dr, Wly of Constance Dr. in R-1-5 Zone., condl. Case Nol 7195 G/4/65----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 465- Pennit to Dan & Marjorie Showley to constr 55 sq ft bathnn add to exist sing fam res, addtn to encroach l' into estab 5' SB; 4537 45th St. betw Monroe Ave & Cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5. CASE No. 8202 (NH) 6/26/67 Lot 499- AGREEMENT to Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Guariglia to maint exist bath & playroom w/bar sink on lot w/exist sin fam dwell at 4541 44tn St., Zone R-1-5, A-1653 9-8-70 "V'".-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 668- Permit to Allen and Raney Rabin to conatr 2nd story 2 bedroom and tam rm addn witb bar sink to exist sin fam res. at 46n Natalie Dr. AGREE-1726 12-2-n Lot 772- Permit to Dennis & Joyce Dear to erect approx 50' of slump stone ret wall ranging in height from 2 1 6 11 to 4 16 11 obs a 0' SB wnere a max 3' high wall is perm in a 10' estab SB, 4551 Norma Dr betw Madison Ave and Natalie Dr. Zone R-1-5, C-11616 N.H. 11-7-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------