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Talmadge Park Card 4

TALMADGE PARK CARD 4.tif TAIMADGE PARK, 1 QARJ)_14___ ' Lot 110, Permit DENIED to Saunders & Knowlta Schneiderto maintain accounting_- business off with max 2 employees on premises, 4668 West Talmadge Dr, R-1 imposed requiremt that use be discontinued by 1-15-62.- CASE #4457 10-13-61-Lot.,_2'.2 &-----------------:CT-------------- N1 ly 8' of' Lot 128- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Chas H. Keyser to repair &: add to exist sing ram res which obs 2 1 sideyd on N1 ly side, by an addn to a bedrm on second floor; dwell located on par with detached gar in front 70 1 which obs Qt sideyd on the S 1 ly side; addn to obs all yd req; lot split & recorded after date of orig zoning but prior to 12-5-54, at 4575 Van Dyke Ave., Zone R-1, where sing fam dwell on lot of record at time o:f orig zoning is perm & 51 side yd is req. Cond'l CASE NO. 5014-15 7-3-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------