Talmadge Park Card 7
TALMADGE PARK CARD 7.tif TALMADGE PARK CARD# J Lot 127 & Nly 8 1 Lot 128- Permit to Wm & Gertrude Mozet to const 3' x 16' roofed area above porch to exist non-conf sin fam dwell obs 12'6" frontyd; roofed area to obs 9 1611 frontyd where 15' req, 4575 Van Dyke Ave., Zone R-1-5. (amend to ext roof area I', obs 8 1 611 frontyd) C-13430 N.H. 12-4-75 (12-6-76}'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.... -- Lot 232- Permit to Lloyd & Delynn Kelly at 4616 E. Talmade Dr., Zone R-1-5- DENIED to erect approx 91' of 8 1 hi fence obs O' int sldeyd. C-16012 4/4/79 Lot 306- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Marie V. Darling to erect approximately 34' of 5' high wall to observe a O' front yard at its closest point where 3' is a maximum perm,itte). in an established 5' front yard, at 4885 East Alder Drive, Zone R-1-5/HR. Conditions. C-16734 6-20-80 Lot 236- Permit APPROVED by ZA to PAULL. AND JULIANNE C, BISHOP to construct a 130.4 sq. ft. room addition to an existing single-family dwelling which observes a 2' interior side yard; addition also to observe a 2' interior side yard where 4 1 is required in the R-1-5 zone, at 4564 East Talmadge Drive, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17590 4-9-82 Lot 113- block 352 AGREEMENT with Walter Weiss to construct an addition to a single family dwelling. Addition contains master bedroom, full bath and walk-in claset. Interior access is via hallway and exterior access is to the backyard, 4665 Van Dyke Ave,, Rl-5000 zone, AG 4523, on 1/25/90.