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Development Services

Talmadge Park Card 8

TALMADGE PARK CARD 8.tif TALMADGE PARK,, Card t/8 Lot 1021- Agreement with DOROTHY TRAPNELL to construct an addition to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling; addition to include bedroom, 3/4 bath and pantry. Addition has exterior access and interior access from existing kitchen, located at 4570 49th Street. Rl-5000 zone Agreement No. 4736 08/21/90 Lot 69 Map 1869- AGREEMENT with Marjorie S, Orcutt, Trust to add a lower floor to existing single-family dwelling; said lower floor consists of two bedrooms and recreation room, each with outside access, two bathrooms and interior access to hallway on upper floor, at 4641 East Talmadge Drive, Zone Rl-5000 Agreement# A-4988 5-21-91