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Talmadge Park Estates Card 1

TALMADGE PARK ESTATES CARD 1.tif TALMADGE :eA.RK ESTAl'ES ~f C)4- S a.\ Card No. 1 Lot 866 Single-family.residence with 10 1.rear yard, Zone R-2, at Euclid & Monroe Aves, (Granted to faul?1. Sullivan. l Res.69420. 6/31/39,_ Lots 1006-1008,.Erect-;3-residences, 2 with 50' frontage to increase size of irregular Lot!Zone R-l!Ord.1556)Res,70938.3/U~/40. 1009-1010 & N of-1011..~rect 3-residences each t''i th EO' frontage. Res. 70934. 1012-1013 & S of 1011., It.. " " tl 11 "Res.70936, 1056-1057 & 3_;r,_ of 1058 11 " If 2 " n " 11 Res.70937 1059-1.060 & N of 1058.. " " " " " " Res. 70935 Granted to Union Title Insurance & Trust Co, by Guy c. Licht?, 3/12/40 Lot 11C2.?(nit to T:w,.r::.s F. C'J.llen, 438'.) Jeffer2on St. tr, build private, c.race ori r o+ 11"? T.0 11-a- ~,.-c.. P'-(ice--1-, ; tr c: i (1,,v- rrl of?. 1 rs,.,.. ys, rd o-f c....., c.: ~ v 1...,1...;;,---,- '--c........- ~,-v. ~-- .__ \.-~1-- ....; J---...L --- 25 1 lot CcJve:r 0 c::e 401. Re2. 741~1;,re- t.oj u'-' 20 l'.'41. Lot 1140., (Sec Ba of Crd,8924lsusnenaea to allow a 2-cer ~ernge on Jean IJ.rive with a l'sic'e yarc,E5'back '"ith a lot,re of 175:. Grantee to Charles H.',;ilkinson 4646-"-aams..\.ve. ~1es 74397 41. Lot 1103.~Garage 55 1 back with l'side yard and lot coverage of 40 Granted to C.P.Whitlock,4444 Cherokee,.var.8a Ord.8924(Res.74732,7/29/41. Lots 810 and 811- Permit to Joh Ide to construct a fence 7 rt. in aetght with 7'6" high pilasters, 4805 Monore Avenue; Res. No. 2555 10/8/47