Taylor & Sloan Industrial Park # 1
TAYLOR & SLOAN INDUSTRIAL PARK # 1.tif T Lot 1- Permit DENIED to Taylor & Sloan, Inc. to maintain one dble-faced, unlighted 9'8" x 3'6" ID sign, overall llt 4 14"; sign obs 7'6" front yd where 25' is req; sign to encro 4' into req 10' planting strip at '7955 Raytheon Rd., betw Convoy St. & Mercury St. Zone M-lA C-9234 4-21-69 L~t-i-:-c;;;-N~:-9234-APPEALEI>-t~-ii:z:A:-;nd-;;;-DENIED-=-n~;;;;;~-;;;;1;;1;~1;-g;;~t;d-- to rnaint the exist sign for a period of 6 months, to expire 11-1-69 at which time the sign snall be removed. C-9234 5-29-69