Taylor & Sloan Industrial Park # 2
TAYLOR & SLOAN INDUSTRIAL PARK # 2.tif TAYLOR & SLOAN INDUSTRIAL PARK 1/2 /o Lot 3- Permit DENIED to w. W. Grainger, Inc. by the Asst. Z A. to erect 6 1 round free-standing, lighted, dble-faced sign, overall ht. 18'; post to encroac 2 1,overhang to encroach 5' tnto'.req 10' nlanting strip & over'ang to obs 5'' front yd where:igns are req to be in back of req oJanting strip & req 25' r~nt yd; aa on Raytheon Rd. betw Convoy St. & Mercury St., Zone M-1 A. C-9129 2-25-69