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Development Services

Teralta Block A Card 1

TERALTA BLOCK A CARD 1.tif TERALTA BLOCK A,2 (:6-.s ' Card #1 Lot 20- Zone C, Ord 12889, suspended for mattress manufacture- Permit to Terresa Ballantine, 329o El Cajon- Permit expires 12-18-36. Res #62441 12-18-34 Lot 20- Easterly 42' of tile Wly 84' of tile Sly 83'- Permit to G. A. Gitz to constr a store bldg addn to a res at 3294 El Cajon Blvd witn no side yard. Res #366 8-19-43.N 153' of Lot 10- Permit to lat Church of U,B. in Christ to erect 12' x 6 16" changeable-t;ype bulletin board, free standing, SW cor Meade & 33rd. Res #7369 4-29-53 E 112' of S 39.2 of N 45' Lot 19- Permit to Pietro & Rose Colombo to add to non-conform gar witn 611 side yard and conv por to sin unit, making 3 units on lot at 4345- 33rd Pl. Res #7373 4-29-53