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Development Services

Teralta Block E

TERALTA BLOCK E.tif TERALTA BLOCK E (, S40' of N 80 1 of Lot 16, S 13' of Lot 14, all Lot 15 and N l' of Lot 16- Permit to Ella B, Olson to convert 3 exist gar into 2 apts, making 3 units on prop with 8' Access court 4335- 41st St. Cond'l. Res 3563 11-17-48-------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- Lot 35 and Sly 8 l/3' of Lot 36- Permit to Emil and Sara Sigler to add bedroom, bath and service porch to exist sin faro res which obs 2'-6" sideyard on Nly side(3' req) addn to obs req sideyard at 4538- 36th St. Zone R-4. C~nd'l. c-4922 5-18-62 N 80 1 of S 183.50 1 of Lot 16- Permit to u.s. Nat'l Bank and Guarantee Chev to supply suppl parking for use in contiguous C zone south of prop at 4321-27- 41st St. betw E. C. Blvd. & Meade Ave. Zone R-4. Cond '1. c-8994 12-11-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------