Teralta Block G Card 1
TERALTA BLOCK G CARD 1.tif,S:~~,v.'."T-, ~...-:,;:5:...,. 'Oj'j~~.'j~lY.. i'-.. '.............,.... ' ~ Lot 16, the nster17 62 f'eet or th.,.tberl;'.. 15,l..7-.5..1d con41t:1cinal...pf'-cll~ alter an exist.gar at 3225-}5 Braon. Place_ into..-2..J 1 v1 ng un:l It wi.th. DOJl;,u;. aide yard on the weat side. 5ee p91-ee # 1.:J ~ Rea. 24$....,/25/4~-,--:-=,::;~; Lots 16 & 17- Fermi t to Alice M. Doyle to con st sing ram res in conr,ec with ex1 st co1~:!'.i_,./-: ____ ~O!:.2,f_b!.d& ha.!1!!iLl.Q1_ap!,S!,....3.s3i!,r1!1.!0!! tl!;C!,,__ R!,s.!. lo.!. 2117__!0.:..,~_ Por Let 15, & por Let 3, Blk 2, No Highland Park- Pendt to Mv ft Myrtle %7gar to cout 10' x ll' ad.dn to gar with 1211 rear yd, not ia rear 30% of let, 4203 Boundary Res. No. 7799 10-14-53-----------------------------------W 4.9' of N 80' (exc st.) of Lot 15 & E 44.65' of Lot 1, Blk 2, No Highland Park- Permit to Clarence & Edna Anson to const bedrm addn to exist res having 3' rear yd, the addn to have 51 rear yrd, at 3207 Bramson Pl, Res. No. 8409 8-4-54---------------------- v------------------------------- Por Lot 15, Perry M & Donna 'Watt DENIED to raise exist dwelling & cons 2 units under it at ground level, Dt&king 5 units, exist front bldg obs 6 1 access court (10 1 req) exc for fireplace vhich is to be removed when bldg is raised. 321.3 Bramson Pl. Case #2406 4-3-59--------------------------------------------- Lot N half' of' 2.3 & all of 24 & 25 AGREEMENT #940 to Wm. M. & Audry L. Donaldson to construct 680 sq. ft. gar on Lot 25 8/26/57 Lot 25, 26, 27 to Nolan E. and Dorothy J. McDougal to maintain a neop pole sign on above- described property olJserving a zero setback wher lO' i e s required