Teralta Block J Card 3
TERALTA BLOCK J CARD 3.tif TERALTA BLOCK J ~"5-S () ~:v CARD lf3 Lots 9 & 10- A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared by EQD which finds no significant environmental effects which would prohibit the construction of a new gas station, a car wash and convenience store, where a gas station currently exists. Located 3929 El Cajon Boulevard between 29th and 40th Street in the Mid-City Community, Map No.265, in the CN-1 zone. EQD 88-0219 Sept. 6, 1988 Lot 9 of Parcel 1- Mid-City Development is GRANTED by the Planning Director of the City of SD to MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, Owner/Permittee, to construct a Mid-City Development for an automobile service station described as 3927 El Cajon Blvd, Map 265, CN-1 zone. MCDP 88-0219 12/8/88