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Development Services

Teralta Heights #2 Block I

TERALTA HEIGHTS #2 BLOCK I.tif TERALTA HE::t'lHTS #2 BLOCK I Lot 7- Permit to A. w. Schmidt to constr a bedroom addn to exist residence with 2' sideyard at 4513-38th st. provided the addn complies with the yard requirements. Res 2088 2-27-47 Nly 1/3 Lot 18 & all of 19- Permit DENIED to R. R. & Margaret Rash to convert exist storage room on rear of garage to 2nd liv unit with O' sideyard. Res 5664 7-11-51 W 75' of Lot 6- Permit to David C. Martinez to install new under exist residence having 2' side yard at 4517-38th St. Res_8399 oundations, footings and wall Cond'l. 8-4-54-------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------Lots 5 & 6, excepting the West 75 feet- Permit APPROVED BY A2A to Gary & Karen L. Alexander to construct a two-story, three-unit apartment building on a lot created prior to 12-5-54, but without frontage on a dedicated street, at 3826 Monroe, zone R-3A. Case 16594 3-7-80