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Development Services

Teralta Heights #2 Block J

TERALTA HEIGHTS #2 BLOCK J.tif TERALTA. HEIGHTS NO. 2 ~OOKJ ~0 Lots 28 & 29, Permit DENIED to R. E. Bessette to maintain 8 unit apt bldg & carport with 71 access court & approx 232 sq. ft. over-coverage, at 4546- 40th St. Zone R-4 Case f60? 7-13-56--------------------------- Lots 28 & 29, Permit to Robert E, Bessette to maintain 8-unit under construction with 8-ft. access court to serve 4 units & 4546- 40th St. Case #60? {A) apt bldg & attached carport auprox 51,8i coverage, at 8-30-56------------------------------------------ Wly 51.5' Lots 14 & 15- Permit to J, Vimla Pedersen to move a gar & connect with addn to J exist res & const bdrm addn to res having 5' rear yd (10 1 req) at 4513- 39th St, R-4 Case No. 1513 11-15-57----------------- --------------------------.J-.----------------------------------.----------- / \Hy 51,5' of Lots 14 & 15- 6-mo. ext. to/Viola Pedersen- ABOVE. Case #1513 . 4-17-58 Lot lu--~rmit to Joseph C. Morebello to office rom 3101 UniveI'- s 1 ty A venue, 1-6---------------------------------------------