Teralta Heights Block C
TERALTA HEIGHTS BLOCK C.tif TERALTA HEIGHTS BLOCK C S < tots 23-24, exc tne E 50'- Permit to Earl v. & Maria Gurman to erect an addition to be used as a storage room to an exist non-conforming store bldg at 3602 Meade Ave. Cond'l. Res 2919 2-25-48 tots 23-24- Permit to Earl & Marie Gurman to constr 18 1 x 20' addn to store at 3602 Meade St. DENIED Res 5261 Appealed to City Council- Z.A. decision overruled- CC Res 101293 non-conform grocery 1-24-51 2-15-51 tots 35-36- Permit to Guy Dennam to constr 8 1 x 10 1-6 11 addn to exist gar witn 6" sideyard for laundry room at 4444 cnerokee Ave. Res 6454 5-14-52