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Teralta (Resub Blks H & I) Block 33 Card 1

TERALTA (RESUB BLKS H & I) BLOCK 33 CARD 1.tif (!... c.,c :.:, J;.:.F, .-. '".. --~- ..------- -.. ~(TERALTA Resub. of Blocks H and I- B~~~~ \;IQ3{q-S ({' Blook 33,Lot_25,of Re-Sub of n1ks R-I. Erect a Stor_e bldg to_ the ~.rope.rty lines on 37th & Orange Ave,mv. (Earl C.Ryan) Res,47564 10/15/28 Elk 33, Lots 1-2,.:Market bldg, to the P,L.on Cherokee St, cor of El Cajon, SE Permit to Max Rabinowitz Res.51358 9/3/29 II 11 25 & po.r of 26;.E.reot A dwelling, conform with setback on 37th it, and 8'f.rom P.L.on Orange Ave. (E.C.Ryan) Res.50091 5/13/29 Bots 37 and 38 ~ Permit to Carl M. Fischer to const. 2-unit, 2-story dwellin1 at rear of lots with 5' access court, 4254-37th Street. Res. No. 2$56 2/11/4$ Lo~s 7 and 8- Permit to Mrs. Myrtle Dahn to convert an exist. gar. to living unit to make total of 4 units on the prop., and maintain exist. g ft. access court, 4271 Cherokee Street. aes. No. 3073 4/21/4$_ Lots 43 & 44- Permit to Charles E. & Florence Austin to conduct auto repairing at 4?78- 37th St. tor 2 years. Res. Ho. 3168 6/214_. 'Lots 39 and 4-0- Permit to Nat R.Walker to const. 2 add. units, to make t.otal 0 4-, to be served by 6 ft. access court, conditional, 4-258-J?th St. Res. No. 3 315 7/28/48----------------------------------------------...