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Development Services

Teralta (Resub Blks H & I) Block 35 Card 1

TERALTA (RESUB BLKS H & I) BLOCK 35 CARD 1.tif 'I'ERALTA(Resub Blks H & I)!LOCK 35,oaeo-s ~ Card# Lots 5 & 6- Permit DENIED to E. S. Wnitcomb to sign to tne front prop line at 4275 Wiison Ave, Res maintain Condl. 1735 an exist 3' x 9' Cniropractor's Lsts 41 & 42- Permit to Reinartn & Emma Nelson to constr 2-story triplex, making 5 units on lot 8'2" access to street wnere 10' required; triplex to obs all otner yd req; witn paved off-street parking space for 2 cars at rear of exist gar and S of triplex and rear house, with ingress and egress from alley on W side of 36tn St betw El Cajon and Orange Ave c-166 9-8-54 Lots 33 & 34- Permit DENIED to cnarles L. Card to convert 3 garages beneatn exist apt to one-~edroom liv unit, making 4 units on parcel, exist units obs 7' access ct and 12~' rear yd (lO'access & 15' rearyard req) at 4238 ~36th St. R-4 zone.- C-2927 11-13-59 APPEALED- Z.A. overruled and permission granted. cond'l. 1-13-60 Lots 29-30- Permit to Melvin H. & Billye J. Ballinger and Ella Mae Hamner, jt tenant_to constr boarding nome for aged witn max 8 guests at 4220- 36 tn St. Zone R-4. Cond'l. 2 paved off-street parking spaces be provided and matntained, c-4548 11-17-61 Lots 5-6- Permit to Dr. & Mrs. E. S. Whitcomb, Owners and San Diego Glass & Paint co. Purcn to provide supplemental parking for commercial use adjacent thereto north of parcel; at 4275 = 77 Wilson Ave betw El Cajon Blvd and Orange Ave. Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-11378 8-10-72