Teralta (Resub Blks H & I) Block 38
TERALTA (RESUB BLKS H & I) BLOCK 38.tif t"'!DAL'fA (USUBOJ'-JUS B & I) M.OCI 38-.o3(Q_(Lo\ 1'-3-44- ~enai t to J. Edwin & Doroth1' Dillin, Jr. to oper pan-Ume 811"9JIY'ing 'bus in exist home, adv in oliassified sec of phone book, use of blls cards, no signs on_...Jl!.!!1.!..!-4g7_ .w!f!!v.!.________________ R.!..:.!o.:...31.9____ 4=,1'-5,2___ Lots 43-44, Penni t to J, Edwin,Jr & Dor. Dulin to conduct engineering & surveying business at 4278 Swift Ave, 20 hra per wk of engin.& survey bus. & real estate bus,max 2 employees besides Bulin's i11D11ed family, eng & survey bus; with no employees for real est off; & one sign for real estate attach flat on face of bldg(denied request full time bus,max 6 employe with 10 field employees & request 2' 4 1 single faced unlited sign attach to exist 3 1 hi grape stake fence on S side of prop,)Zone R-4, Case 3802 1-20-61 Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Nicholas P. Gatzolis to move sin0le dwell from 3812~sia~. to 11 224 (T} kilt Ave .....___-_,, HM# 4037 1-14-63 Lots 15 through 24, RECONSTRUCTION PERMIT, Approved by SCA, CABRILLO KNOLLS, L.P. OWNER R.V. MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, APPLICANT, sought to reconstruct in the event of fire, explosion, act of God, or act of the public enemy to the extent of 50% or more of the fair market value, a property developed with a 50-unit apartment complex where current zoning regulations permit only 31 units and to maintain 79, parking spaces, 40 of then in tandem where today's zone does not allow tandem parking, and current parking regulations require 70 parding spaces for the same 50-unit apartment complex. Located at 4221 34th Street. MR-lOOB Zone 98-1029 11-24-98