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Development Services

Teralta (Resub Blks K &L ) Block 23

TERALTA (RESUB BLKS K &L) BLOCK 23.tif \ Oe, 1-S BLOCK 23 (Resub of Blks K & L) (,:, Lots 39-40- Permit to William W. & Lucy DeGroa.t to repair household appliance in exist bldg at rear. Cond'l. Res 3691 2-9-49 Lots 39-40- Permit to William w. DeGroat- Appeal filed on Res. 3691 sustained and granted to allow advertising, Res 92879 3-1-49 Lots 17-18- Permit to;Moritz Haas to convert garages into liv unit making 5 units with 6 1 611 access with off street parking for 5 cars at 4225 Copeland Ave. Res 6685 8-6-52 Lots 45 thru 48- Permit tQ Louis H & Elsle A Merz t.() const 2nd story addn to exist non conf com' I bldg; addn to obs O'fnt sldeyd where 4 1 req, 4265 El Cajon Blvd, Zone C, cond 1 I C-13576 4-27-76