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Development Services

Teralta (Resub Blks K &L ) Block 26

TERALTA (RESUB BLKS K &L) BLOCK 26.tif TERALTA (Resub Blks K & L) BLOCK 26 1001-s Lot 6- Permit to Mary Frances Tyre to conduct a Millinery Shop in an exist res at 4275 41st St. Cond 'l. Res 1013 7-6-45 Lot 10- Pennit to Alexander and Sophie Pyza to constr tam room and porch addn to exist sin fam res which obs l' side yard; addn to obs all yard req (3' side yard req) 4257- 41st St. betw El Cajon Blvd and Orange Ave. Zone R-41 C-3963 N.H. 3-23-61 Lot 6- Pennit to Mary F. Tyre to conduct a millinery shop in the res on the described pro:p and have applied for a Zone Variance by Application No. 2907, dated 6-21-45 AGREE #372 7-13-45