Teralta (Resub Blks K &L ) Block 28 Card 1
TERALTA (RESUB BLKS K &L) BLOCK 28 CARD 1.tif,.-.~ .-"'',iii!; <"-~...-:-,-.--.-....-.-;-~, ":I TERA.I.TA- RESUE OF:BI.KS X: & L:.. ,ocx 28 Wl.y 85 1 of Lots 22, 23 & 24- Permit to:l.abel M. Bowman to canst ad.dn to exist res,~ith __-~'f"_b~t_a~ ~ ~aE!!;t_o~e_c~r~~2Q9_4Qth_~t.:..__ Re~._N,_616~____9=3::5~___ 1,,-/ Lots 41,42,43,44- Perm.it to Anthony J, & Lena. M. Collura (43 &44) & Wilbur B. &: Mary A. Haberman (41 &: 4.2), owners, Retail Clerks' Union AFL, lessee, Anthony J. & Lena M. Collura (41 & 42), purchasers- to cons t 481 x 100 1 2-. story office building for Retail Clerk's Union on Lots 43 & 44 observing 0 1 setback on Central Ave. (14 1 req) and 0 1 sideyd on Nly side & 21 sideyd on Sly side (4 1 req) and use balance of pe.r for off-st parking rn connec therewith, on Central Ave. betw El Cajon Blvd. & Orange Ave., Zone R-4 Cond'l Case No, 4902-03-04 5-18-62------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 41,42,43,44- ABOVE APPEALED by Pearl Olen Oakley and z. A. decision overruled & the appeal granted. Case No. 4902-0J-04 7-5-62 tots--41-,-42,-4f,44----ierm"1t-Ccond1i-ft~A--;tt>.-ony-j;-&"-te-~-i.--c""oii-w-""a-,--;;;ers; Cecil Cotton, purchaser to use par for parking lot for proposed one-story off. bldg. for Retail Clerks' Union to be built in adjacent "c" Zone (Lots 45 & 46); parking on parcel toobs. 01 setback on Central Ave.; at 4272 Central Ave., Zone R-4, where parking for permitted R-4 use on same or ad- jacent lot is per w1 th no parking on front) 1 of prop;: .____________________ Ca.!,e_N.2,._52,0,2._____3.:,11-.2,)_