Teralta (Resub Lots 20-25,Blk N, Teralta) Block 13
TERALTA (RESUB LOTS 20-25,BLK N, TERALTA) BLOCK 13.tif TERALTA Elock if ' ' c:i2b5-S (RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 26 thru 50, m..oox N, TERALTA))o Lots 30 & 31,-Oondl. permit to Sol & Betty Gendlemen to convert playhouse into a sing. fam. res. maintaining exist 24" sideyd and exist 516" access ct, at 4130-40th St., Zone R-4. Res. 14855 7-26-50 Lota 22 (Por) & all 23- to George Scolari- DEIIIED to main-tan add obs O' side yd (3 1 req) Bo cov 5~ (5~ perm). Dwelling obs 10 1:front yd & add obs 101 front yd (15 1 req), 3918 Pollt Ave, R-4, c-8134 6/1/67----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------