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Development Services

Teralta (Sub Lots 20-25,Blk N) Block 17 Card 2

TERALTA (SUB LOTS 20-25,BLK N) BLOCK 17 CARD 2.tif--.;l'=o-::>.. .. ' TERALTA BLOCK 17 Subdv. of Lots Al to 50, filk. N CARD i/2 ~., Permit to The Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego to develop as recreation play area durine daylight school hours for elementary school irumediately adjacent across alley, & as a parking lot for the Catholic Church located at the SE cor of Orange Ave. & Marlborough St. on Sundays & special church services, where multiple units and a parking lot as an incidental use on the same premises is perm, betw 41.37 & Jl51 harlborough Ave., Zone R-4, condl. Case No. 7502 12/14/65 Amend above Case No. 7502: Cond 14 to read as follows: that an 8 1 high chain link fence shall be installed along both north and south side lot lines. Case No. 7502 12/30/05--A;;~d-;b;;;-~;;;-N~:-1502: to maint;1;-;-4-niin-masoncy-block-warr-witn-jT6ff-cnarn--- 1ink fence above, encroaching 10' into req 15' front yd on Lots 9-12, where max 3' hi fence is req. betw 4131 & 4161 Marlborough. Case No. 7502 i2/28/70------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 33-44- Permit GRANTED by Planning Commission to GUADALUPE PLAZA DEVELOPMENT CORP, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a housing project for the elderly and handicapped, located on the west side of 42nd Street, between Orange and Polk Avenues, Zone R-3A. CUP 10-617-0 11-26-80