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Development Services

Teralta (Sub Lots 20-25,Blk N) Block 7

TERALTA (SUB LOTS 20-25,BLK N) BLOCK 7.tif T'ERALTA (Resub. of Lots 20-50, Blk N) m;;~'1c 2.:)1o5-.S. '~... N I.1.;ef - Permit to Mrs. Philip Jones to c onst. 3rd living unit on said Lot 42, all 43 prop. to be served by 8'6" access court, 4178 Wilson Ave. Res.No. 2854 2/11/48 Lot 41 & s 42- Permit to Harvey w Voiae to erect single fam res in addn to 2 exist sing faa units, one unit sened by 8' access, & one by 31 access; 4172 Wilson Ave. Res. No. 7818 10-14-53------- Lot 30 & S of 31- Condl permit to Eleanor A. Boyd to const 2 sin fam units, making total of 3 units; proposed 2 units to be served by 8' access ct, 4128 Wilson Ave. Case #637 7 27 56. t Lot. 31 & all ot32~rzi\ to~.Cbas-t'. Ivestmen1; Co., t.o const 19-Unit t.wo-stoJ7 ~t. Bldg. on 14' rear yd where 15 ia req, at 4140 Wilson Ave., betw Orange & Pollt in ll-4 Zone.