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Development Services

Teralta (Sub Lots 20-25,Blk N) Block 9

TERALTA (SUB LOTS 20-25,BLK N) BLOCK 9.tif!DAL!l!A (Resub. of Lots 20-50, Blk: N) Bloc~~.;l (i,~:_ s-. ~t, 'Y Q Q ~ot 29 and S of 30, Permit to Mrs. Edna Snodg1-ass to const sing fam res in'i'ear of prop making 3 units on lot with approx 7'7" access to st., 4122 Cherokee St. on cond. 3 off-str. parking spaces provided___ Res #5146 11-29-;o Lots 16 & 17- Pe;:mit to Leo & Janice Mintz- to operate office for legal tax pro, 1+125 3bth Street, Res. 16722 s-29-52------------------ st. Lot.39 0- Permit to Bill Kober to mo> Vl!I-..J:li~P-WTC to 4162 Cherokee. Boundary St. 10-13-64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W 50 1 of Lots 45 & 46- Z.A. considered app of Samuel J. & Viola D, Sims to const bedrom addn & kitchen ext to exist dwelling whi'ch encroaches 4 1 into req 101 rear yd, at J627 Orange Ave., betw J6th St. & Cherokee Ave. & after consideration of finding of facts has DENIED the addition as requested but APPROVED encroachment of 21 into req 10 1 rear yd., subj to Condition. C-7718 6-lJ-66--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------