Terra Terrace Card 1
TERRA TERRACE CARD 1.tif TERRA TERRACE Llu12-s (t Lots 1,2,16,17, & 18, Permit to Terra Terrace to use exist aing fam re on each"lot for model home; use exist gar on Lot l for Sales & Escrow Off for tract & erect l double-faced 2 1 x 3 1 inform aign on lot; l doubl-fac 2'x3 1 model identify sign on each lot & 10 dble-face1 3 1 s5' feature sign around model hemes; model identy signs & feature signs ob 3 1 SB on Viane way (15' req) for l yr. 3- 10' poles with 3 1 pennant on Lot 18, four 10' poles with 3' pennants on Lot l-3' SB on Viane Way, ~l, to expire l-23-62 Case 3828, 1-23-61 V (Condition: that no part of signs or pole for pennants be closer than 3 1,'to prop. line {.setback Susp. Caae 3829 1-23-61 /----------------------------------------------- Lots 18 & 19- TA BLED John \i. & Mary Jo Town send & Air Conditioning Indust. Inc. request to adjust lot lines between Lots 18 & 19 and to erect 4' high fence partially retaining obs 0 1 SB, and 51 high fence around balance of lot; 5, fence to be on top of exist bmk which ranges in height from 8 1 to 14'; average height of fence & existing bank ranges from 9 1 to 12 1., at 4897 Sparks Ave., Zone R-1. Case No. 5124 2-14-63----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 18 & 19- Permit to Lytton Savings & Loan Assoc & Home Federal Sav & Loan Assoc to adjust lot lines betw lots, at 4897 Sparks Ave (Lot 19) & 4882 Viane Way (Lot 18), Zone R-1. Case No. 5124 4-30-63---------------------------------------------------------------------------