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Terrace Sub. Card 1

TERRACE SUB. CARD 1.tif.-- ~-..--;--''"--....--.. ' '...-. f. /1 /).L.7/1 CARJ>. NO~ " TERRACE SUB. ('!M,,G~'p.~k{yflot1,~a fan:) r-.. Block 55, Lot 12,.Brect Apartments to the prop-lirref. a'\_tl Res.55517 Granted to "Vallie:D. Hundtkoper (f ft 1,: 12/22/30 Lot 39- Permi1; to Max Heiniburge to const. 13-unit apt. bld.c. w1 th required 91 eetback, balconies and fire-escape to observe 5 1 setback, at 981 Coast:BJ. vd.,__.___.. Rea. Bo, 8075.. 3-17-54 Lot 39- Permit to Max Heimburge to const.13-unit pat.bldg.with req. 9' s.b.,baJ.conies 1 & obs.4 s.b.-981 Coast Blvd.(this is amendment to Res.No. 8075) Res. No. 8091 3:::31::54 Lot 14, Permit to Harry H. & Winnie E. Revoir to const sin tu residence over garage, making.3 unite on lot, rear unit served by approx 4 1 access ct (10 1 req}, rear unit with 1 1 side yd (.3 1 req) 943 South Coast mvd. R-4 zone Case No. 2.394.3-27-59 AMENDED 5-21-59 to permit 19% add, coyeras:e (5P%:permitted) Lot 14 EXTENSION of time to expire 4-2-60. Case No. 2394 9-10-59 Lots 19-23- Permit to Kelce-Huntley Cor~ to maintain approx 85' of reed fence in ht from 6 1 to 12' along wly prop line (6 1 permitted) at 939 Coast Blvd. betw Jenner St & Girard Ave,R-4 /.,t,J/l. ~ t;--.w,; S- J-(,,,Y (s--2-Zf) Case No. 7664- 4/20/66-- ________:_::C.:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 yr. ext. to exp. 5-1-69 (5-3-68) 1 year ext to c-7664 to expire 5-1-70) (4-25-69)------------------------------------------------------------------------------