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Development Services

Terrace Subd. Card 3

TERRACE SUBD. CARD 3.tif TERRACE SUBDIVISION '(Lot 1- Permit to Augusta and Regina Melzer to constr an office bldg witn a residential unit on top, terrace portion of office to obs a O' rear yd, wnere 10' is req, wnen rear of property abuts a residential zone, at 926-930 Prospect St between Girard Ave. and Jenner St Zone CS. Cond'l. C-11266 6-14-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1- Permit to Augusta and Regina Melzer, owners and Coldwell Banker, lessee, to constr. a 2' x 19' wall sign attached to mansard roof where no sign shall proj. above nearest eave of build., 930 Prospect St. betwn. Jenner St. and Girard Ave., Zone CS C-11798 3-8-73 Lot 2 thru 7A- Permit to Emerson, Jones & Turner (PTRSP) at 910 Prospect St., Zone C-S, to constr a parking structure obs 0 1 rear yd where 15 1 Is req if adjacent t> o residential zone. Cond It. C-16263 8/2/79--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-awerring Lots 15 & 16- Permit to James H. MARKLE APPROVED by ZA, for construction of 3-story structure observing 4 1 interior side yard where 7 1 is required and 15 1 rear yard where 18 1 is required, at 949 Coast Boulevard South, Zone RV. Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 5801. Conc!_Ltlon~--_________.CASE.!::!O_._1632_1______!_Q_-l~-I9