Tibbetts Tract Card 1
TIBBETTS TRACT CARD 1.tif TIBBETTS TRACT OOfA-S Por. Lot 13, Perm.it to James Shuichi Kida to construct sin. fa:,,. residence, with exist res. observing 2' side yd, (10% of width of lot is req.) new res. to conform to all code req. Upon completion, kitchen fac. will be removed from old res, making l sin fam res. & l guest house on lot, at 1458- 27th St. Imperial Bch, Zone R-lC, cod'l- agreement be signed to remove kitchen. Cases 2400 & 2401 3-27-59--------------------------------- Lots 3 & 4, S 174.54, or Lots 2 & 5, & por. Lots 9 & 10, Permit to South Bay Union School Dist. to const elementary school on parcel, National Ave, betw Grove &: Iris Sts, R-1, condn~ land be dedicated & ir,proved for st purposes per requir of City Ehgr. c.u.P. Case 4160 6-23-61-------------------------------------- Por. of Lot 13- AGREEMl!:lfT f1027 to James and remove kitcnen facilities from existing residence and one guest houae on lot Shuichi Kida to construct single family res. residence, making total of one single family Case Ros.2400 & 2401 4/8/59 Lot 2- Permit to Gene & Paulette Goycochea to add bar sink in family room at 1326- 27th Street. Zone R-1-10. AGREE #l982 7-25-74 Lot 14- Permit to McClurken Machinery, Inc. and Harvey & Company to erect ant main for (Exe. W 264') one year a 3' x 5' x 8 1 high single-faced free stnding, non-ilium. sub. directional sign advertising "Sunrise West" homes; sign to obs 0' fy on Grove Avenue. Zone A-1-1. Conditions. C-14048. 2-8-77.,;:/:- <.-.~-,-.;;_-_::;.--_;--,/-.--~.;;;:__ :--:;,,;:-~:::, ",,;.__________________________________________________________.... -~~- .-.-.-...------r~