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Development Services

Tingley Estates # 5 Block 712

TINGLEY ESTATES # 5 BLOCK 712.tif TINGLEY ESTATES UNIT 115 Block 712 Lot 17- Agreement with Paul and Nancy Backus to convert an exsiting detached two-car garage to a storage/playroom area with no plumbing on a lot with an existing single family residence. Replacement parking is existing, located at 840 Moana Drive, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement f/4405 Lot 17- ZA WITHDRAWS request of PAUL AND NANCY BACKUS to change bath. 3'-6" side yard where 4'-0" required. Located at 840 Moana C-20420 9-25-89 garage into playroom with Drive, Rl-5000. 01/7/92